You'll be happy to know - I haven't given up completely. This Tendonitis will not beat me! I thought maybe I could try crochet to see if it bothers my arm - so instead of trying to complete something of my massive collection - I have again, started something new. It's a small crochet headband for my daughter. I can hold my arm in a fashion in which it doesn't move very much and then I'm ok for a bit. How silly is that.? You'd think I would just stop and not cause myself any pain, but I'm stuck now in a pattern (ha ha...little fiber joke) that I can't remove myself from. I need the knitting as an outlet, or stress remover, and now that I'm committed to accomplishing things instead of letting them go; I know I can't stop completely or everything may end up in the attic again. I haven't told that story completely. In short - I'd had a bad bought of mistake after mistake years ago and looked at what I'd finished and liked nothing, and thought - UGH - why bother? I packed it all away for 4 years and haven't touched it since. Recently I'd remembered the calm it brought me and realized why I enjoyed it to begin with. It wasn't the result - the finished product - as I'd initially thought. It was the process.
If anyone has had a similar problem with Tendonitis, write me and let me know what you did about it, and if you got past it. I'd appreciate the idea that there is hope.
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