Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oh to be a part of Ravelry

It's time for me to shake off all the remnants of my work of the last 7 years.  I long to move forward and find joy in the new!  A job has been posted on Ravelry, and I - along with God knows how many hundreds, have applied.  And now, I hope and pray to the Gods of Karmic reward that my number is up!  I have been very optimistic that this is meant to be - but there are tiny little monsters of doubt sneaking into my house and stomping on me in the middle of the night.    If it weren't raining, I'd go on a long hike with the dogs today to help stave them off; but instead I will take a hot shower and wash away their little footprints - and go off to spend the day with babies at the Y.  
Send positive thoughts my way!