Monday, November 12, 2007

The Good, The sad and the downright ugly.

I have been so taken with Ravelry, that I haven't spent much time reading or writing my own blog. So sad. I have had a rough couple of weeks. I have had a few very sad days indeed. I did finish my Dad's sweater but my dh ruined the 3rd cast of the Leaf and Acorn scarf, so I'm on round 4. I am debating whether or not to actually write out what happened to it, because its just too sad and awful to put out there. Let's just say that anger of a spouse can work its way into your knitting stash and current projects if they are angry enough. I don't want to talk about any of it... I do, but ick...who wants to read that?
He did say that I could purchase what I needed to replace it and have a day to get it back to where it was, (a day which he said would be without kids) did not happen this weekend, which is what I thought the plan was. I am wondering if it will ever happen. I will however, buy some more yarn because I damn well deserve it.

I am Hinklebell on Ravelry, and have posted all my photos up there, but I can add some here as well.

Here's my Dad in his sweater. He's happy, but I just made him stop making the goofy faces.

Now I just need to figure out how to add my Flickr account here and i'm all set.

I've started another old pattern of an Icelandic Knit Sweater for my Mom which will be a cardigan. I'm looking forward to finishing that soon as well. They go so fast and always end up looking quite nice.
It's a short post, but its a post. Ah well... better than nothing.