Here it is the next morning. I only got a few rows done on my socks last night after my first post, and today so far, I'm spending my time editing the site. Hubby is already complaining - because there is housework to be done and he is sick of doing it alone. But HEY... he's the one who wants to have people over for some football related thing tomorrow! Anyway- my newest time consuming projects always take precedence over cleaning!
I've got things I want to do get my pics posted! Unfortunately I can't put any of my images up yet because I have to recharge my camera battery first. I'm planning to add in shots of the schnoggie doggies, and a section for my currently unfinished projects, what's in my basket at the moment, and things that have been retired to the attic (ahhh unfinished projects of years ago) which I have made a resolution to finish this year. Oh yeah and a closeted stash that contains yarn I bought to make a woven Navajo rug that I bought in Utah. And a lovely Patons pattern for a Navajo style sweater - intarsia ,I think it was. Way over my head. I'm still scared to start it. Right. Yeah. Oh youth and all the big projects I envisioned for myself -before marriage and kids and general lazyness set in. Sigh.
Even though I discovered a knitting shop I hadn't been to in nearby Marblehead-I need to work with what I have first and clear out some stuff before adding to my stash. Alas - there is only one thing between me and some speedy knitting progress. I have discovered I have a pinched nerve in my right elbow. Sort-of like Carpal Tunnel only in the whole arm. UG. Lots of numb fingers and aches and arm shaking. Ok I'm only (eek) 41, but I'm feeling older by the minute as I discover my body is failing me all over the place.
Enough for now. I can't feel some of my fingers and I have to drink more coffee, take a shower and help my husband clean house. PSTHTHTHTHT! ( a big raspberry on my puppies nose makes him go nutty!) Wheee!
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