I'll tell you what I killed but first...some pictures. I've shown these before. These are my two favorite Kristin Nicholas sweaters that I am determined to knit. I figured I'd better get some images on this blog soon. I've been so lazy I haven't taken any photos of the scarf. (Which is what I killed today, by the way).
I did. I ripped that baby out. This is the second time I've ripped it all the way out now...what is it they say? Third time's a charm? Here's hoping. I have ripped it all the way out and I'm going to cast on again. I even printed out a brand new copy of the pattern so I can start fresh. With no errors this time. Here's hoping! I had to, I really did. I was completely lost and no matter what I did, that next row I knit didn't seem to be the right one. Bad Bad me for not ticking off my rows on my pattern. I must have thought - "Oh, I'll remember!" BAH. I had completed the first 60 rounds, and had only to repeat those rounds, ohhhh 5 times more to finish it. Ok, so I wasn't really that far along, but you know I was reading that even amazing knitters only tend to do a couple rows on a lace project daily, because like me, they need silence and concentration. I am NOT alone!! Wheeee! I think it was the Yarn Harlot that wrote that. Oh actually now that I look again, it was her guest blogger that wrote that but still... she's gotta be a good knitter, if she's writing with Stephanie right? I have a lot of work to do. Yeah, not just on my knitting real work-work. So I'll just finish ripping out the scarf, and then I'll work. Or... maybe I'll just cast on and do the garter stitch edging...and maybe 1 or two rows so I don't feel so bad. Either way I have a lot to do. And did I mention I'm about 3 days behind in dishes and laundry? Sigh. The world is calling - better get back to it.
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