Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's Been a long long long long Summer

I haven't dropped of the face of the Earth. I only slipped off the Knitting planet for a short while. I failed miserably at my attempts to keep up with the Secret Pal stuff. I just was way too busy. I had better not sign up for another one, unless I promise to keep on top of it.
Now that Fall is here, I'm going to make an effort to return. I really want to join Ravelry, and hope that that will boost my incentive to finish stuff.
Life has been full of so many things that have nothing to do with knitting. I haven't worked on my socks, or sweaters in well...about 3 months. I know - it's horrible - I know. But here I am, and i have been listening to David Reidy's Podcast, "Sticks and Strings" all summer, catching up on old ones and working my way into the current ones. I think I like him more than Cast On now - nearly.
I've gotten into this horrible habit of either working or playing computer games while i listen instead of any actual knitting. Probably the worst habit I could pick up, and so I must force myself to only listen when I knit. Yeah, OK...well I'll try anyway.

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