Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter Eggs, Food Invention, and Walt Disney World

I have been wondering how the tradition of cooking, dying and eating Easter Eggs came about.  It occurred to me it may have some pagan basis in ceremonial eating of Eggs as a ritual for the beginning of Spring, and rebirth, and growth.  It's kind of awful if you think it through.  We celebrate new birth and all the babies of Spring by eating their unborn children? Ok not unborn, but still... Who knows what it may have started out as... I'm sure at the beginning it was just about survival.  A long winter has passed and people needed to find food other than meat.  I had an egg this morning and was happy to have my little pink-dyed hard boiled egg, but it makes you wonder.  How did they even come to think of cooking them? Was it an accident?  Then cooking with them... Cakes, breads, pastas? Who would think to mix the egg in with ground grains and then bake it? Of course that leads me to Tobacco use and the creation of Chocolate?  Both of which have some incredibly long and details processes in order to create them.  Oh and Coffee?  Pick the bean, dry the bean, roast the bean then chop it up and add it to boiling water?  Was it all just trial and error until they came up with something that worked?  Anyway food for thought...

I moved on with all my brain energy boosted by protein from the egg, and started research on a potential Disney Trip for the family.  It's a rather large undertaking and I'm not speaking about the exorbitant costs - but the actual research that needs to go into planning a trip. The options are many and there are so many confusing choices it's hard to know what the right thing / the least expensive thing is.

It is too bad I don't have many people with input giving me feedback here.  If ever there was a time for all kinds of feedback on what to do, it's now.

One thing I never knew before - Disney World is ENORMOUS! Just look for a hotel and then click on the map and zoom out.  It's an enormous place.  I'm excited to go to Disney for the very first time on my 50th Birthday with my two teenage children who have never been there either.  My husband's only experience was as a teen when his brother had passed away the previous year in a car accident, and his mother couldn't bear to do a regular Christmas - so they all went to Disney instead.  I'm nervous it will be a bit overwhelming, but I really believe overall it will be a happy and positive experience.

One other little interesting thing.  I'm watching the second season of House of Cards on Netflix and I find it hysterically funny that Frank comes up with an idea as President of the United States based on the game called Monument Valley.  So now I'm playing Monument Valley to see what the connection is. I'm not seeing a connection so far.

Well this post is a bit rambling but I wanted to post my post-Easter thoughts.

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