Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ready, Set... Go?

The deed is done.  I have finalized giving notice at one of the three jobs I'm currently working... Now to continue forward.  I have to say that so far, although I'm continuing to work for exactly one more week, it feels pretty good to know that my time there is almost done.  If only there wasn't this feeling of not being able to let go.  I'm progressing, but there are little things that I will miss.  Talking to new people every day from a position of being able to advise.  I love this about my job.  I advise people what to do and they do it and they are happy.  It makes for a good job on its own, but there are plenty of things that get in the way.  Like the Corporate Monster blowing smoke at me to make more money for them.  This whole idea is hysterical when viewed in a different context.  They huff at you and puff at you, and when you make them more money they hand you a little lollypop and pat you on your head and send you on your way.  Sharing the profit is not in their vocabulary.  But HELLO?! Wake up people!  They don't realize this is what causes so much turnover in employees, and they don't realize how much time and money they waste hiring and training new people.  Herein ends this particular rant.

So I am trying to get back to my knitting and have continued working on my scarf.  I am really really really slowly working towards doing more - more often.  It's a lovely scarf I found on Ravelry and when I make enough progress to share I will post.  For now you should know that its a very simple pattern called, "Everyday Wrap" by Julie Weisenberger, and I'm using a very lovely shade of blue Rowan Kid Silk Haze.  

Here is another thing you should know.  There is NO such thing as tinking or unknitting or even ripping Kid Silk Haze.  It is not a very forgiving yarn and is so thin that it breaks easily and also it sticks to itself in a rather annoying way.  Sure it's absolutely fabulous as a finished fabric - so light and airy and ... FLUFFY!!! But you can't really make a mistake or you are screwed.  

So of course, I let the needles fall out and picking up my stitches is next to impossible and so is ripping out all the progress I had made, so I'm thinking of sewing or rather knitting it back on to another unfinished end instead.  Wish me luck!   

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