Thursday, March 6, 2008

Standing Still

My hat has come to a standstill... I haven't fixed it yet. Is anyone really surprised? I will work on it again, eventually. Maybe not this weekend, but soon and for the rest of my life.
No...Instead, I seem to be contemplating taking photos of my stash for Ravelry while my husband is gone on Saturday. Is that crazy? I mean, free time all morning/day without the guilt of having to clean house. I could knit, I could play silly games without guilt with my kids on WII, I could sleep til' noon! I could start a new project! It just seems odd to me that with that time available I choose to do something that well...actually isn't all that interesting or fun. Hmmm maybe I should knit afterall. I will also probably clean, but I can do it in a relaxed way without being forced. It's just SO much more fun to do it minus the nagging. I'm more likely to want to do it when I don't have a husband stomping around slamming things (*his cute, and sweet little message to me and the kids that my morning coffee, and playing games with the kids has dragged beyond an hour and he can't stand that the house is a pigsty for a minute longer, so he's doing it himself even though he doesn't feel he should have to since he works well over 40 hours a week and also works on a side job nights and weekends). I guess in a way he's right, but can't he just relax and let me enjoy my morning first? That was just about the longest sentence I've ever written. Do I win a prize?
I can't talk about winning a prize without remembering the weirdest thing that happened to us once, when I was with my family. If you get queasy easily don't read this. We went to an ice cream shop, one Sunday afternoon, or evening for ice cream cones, and my sister and I were waiting to be served, when my Mom exclaimed loudly as she got her ice cream cone, "OH DID I WIN A PRIZE???" Of course we all looked at her like she had 3 heads since we had no clue what she was talking about and she was embarrassing us (we were teenagers at the time). It turns out she had this little heart-shaped red thing in her ice-cream, so she pointed it out to one of the servers and they said, "Oh no... (pause) OH NO!"... " ...someone cut their finger earlier with the ice cream scoop, so ummm" ... Yup you guessed it. Disgusting huh? My Mom's wonderful prize was frozen blood. I can't remember what happened after that. I think my Mom decided not to have any ice cream after all, but needless to say, we didn't go back there again. Ever.

I'm procrastinating in so many ways right now. I'm not Knitting, working, or taking a shower. What I really want to do is curl up on the couch with Calvin and take a nap, and I can't do that right now either. Speaking of Calvin, this is how he hangs out...on the back of the couch. He does this several times a day, both by the window and facing the kitchen. It's his way of laying down while also having a view. I think it's odd for a dog to lay this way. Has anyone seen dogs do this before?
I'd better start moving and actually DO something before I start talking about something even more banal if that's even possible. Like the toast I had for breakfast.

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